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Another Surprise..

This is still about my 30th birthday..
When i went home yesterday from work...i got flower from my husband at home.. its so beautiful, 10 orange roses smell so wonderful...
I couldn't help my self not to smell the flower all the time..its so beautiful..
Yeah this is the best birthday ever...thanks to my beloved husband.. i got my b-day cake too.. its a blackforest.

I got another gift from mom in law, its Burberry Brit Perfume, its my first ever perfume i got as a gift..its smell lovely..just knew from david that his mom and dad already bought it when we're having connecting in singapore from japan..thats nice to know how they really care about me.. my life is so complete..

We also did celebrate my b-day with close friends at hanamasa.. and i got another chocolate cake made by secret taste so good...

I just wanna say that this year is really the best year ever in my life..
Having friends around, family that care so much and perfect life-companion..the last one..the expecting life is so complete..


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