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Showing posts from August, 2006

peaceful heart

I believe everyone of us longing to have a peaceful heart. Its so priceless that can't be traded with money. It comes from within ur soul depend on the atmosphere of your heart. It doesn't matter that what your circumtances might look as you can't change it for sure but when you have a peaceful heart you can still get through it with smile on your lips, because you know that in the end you'll be the one who will keep standing!! To have the atmosphere you only need to believe in God and be God's consciousness person.. Have faith in Him and His promise. In my entire life, God has been so faithful to me. I just couldn't imagine how my life would be if God never entered my life. I've been up and down, making mistakes, doing so many stupid things but still He is the One who always keep His promise that He will never ever leave me and no one can take me away from His love. Whenever i face some hard times, i learn to believe that in the end there'll alway...