On sunday ethan was 2 months old..the time is running so fast..i still remember the day i delievered him, its like just yesterday..
today we went to doctor for general check up and vaccine for ethan..guess what..he's now 5.85 kg so big...no wonder i have to change his diaper size from S to M..( i still have 3 big boxes size S though) i was so happy that so far ethan is very healthy, nothing to worry..and i still give him breastfeeding exclusively, hopefully it will continue at least for 6 months even tough next month i have to get back to work..after 3 months maternity leave.
Ethan is so cute now and starting to make few sound hehe..like owe..aguuu... and smile so ofter.. can't wait to hear he calls me mommy :) now i begin to understand more about his habit..
i'll upload his pictures here...