Its 22 weeks now and this is our 6th doctor visit..
I've been waiting for this day, because we get to know what is the gender of our precious upcoming baby..
I've been longing for a boy but still dont mind if its a girl..coz the most important is...its gonna be my own baby....
By the time we saw the picture on USG screen i can see a little spot between baby's legs..yes..i'm very sure its a boy and the doctor say Yes its a boy...
I'm so relief..:) now its the time to think about the perfect name for our first son..:)
Anyway my body is getting much much bigger now, i gain 3.5 kg for 5 weeks..i thought its too much but doctor says its still okay..
I can't imagine what would be my weight in the next 3-4 months...i might be look like a big giant ball :)
My blood pressure is normal 110/70.
Today is the first day of my long-holiday, i'll be back to work on oct 22th 2007, so its almost 2 weeks holiday.. me and husband along with my parent in law will go to japan for a week tour..about the trip, my doctor says i'm in good condition for travel, only that i have to take good care my condition, dont get too tired..
Btw my dad already mention about my baby must be a boy since 2-3 months ago.. so he's right.. he must have a very good instinct..
I'm very happy today..i really thank God for giving me what my hearts desire..
i hope my son will grow in good normal condition until the day he enter the real world..
Thank you God....