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This holiday me and husband together with my parent in law enjoy a wek tour to Japan with Panorama Tour, its on Oct 13th - 19th

October 13th - 14th
Together with other 21 people, we had night flight with japan airlines at 10.30pm, arrived at Narita in 7am in the morning (local time) its 2 hour earlier than jakarta. The flight was 7 hours, its very tiring for me, couldn't sleep as i cant stretch my leg. Being pregnant gave me many uncomfortable situation but thank God i was okay, only need to take a walk every 2 hours..
The weather in Tokyo was quite cold, its 19 celcius, for me its consider cold already. fortunately we come on october, if later then it will be even colder..i might cant survive there..:)
Its sunday oct 14th, our local guide said that disneyland will be too crowded on sunday so we changed our schedule to go to disney sea first then the next day to disneyland. So we're heading to disney sea. The place was great, i love the buildings there, its beautiful, even though its still quite crowded but we can do nothing we tried to enjoy as much as we can. Being pregnant made me can't play many interesting games there..i only enjoy taking pictures..and so does my husband.
In the afternoon we're going to Ginza shopping area which in my opinion its just waste of time as we can't buy anything there..its too expensive and its a branded after that we're having dinner at Singapore Hainan was really good food..then we're going to hotel..then sleepppppp...

Oct 15th
Morning call at 6am, breakfast at 7am then 8am the bus picked us up to Asakusa Kannon Temple then to disneyland..The place still crowded with japanese..couldn't believe it. the guide said its because disneyland is their dream, so japanese from all over japan will come to disney 4-5 times every year just to enjoy all the games goodness..its totally different than Disneyland in Hongkong. In my opinion disney in Japan is more attractive than in HK but i prefer disney HK coz in japan they only speak japanese.. no its hard to understand..
On the afternoon we're going to Kawaguchi. We're staying at Isawa View Hotel where we're having a real japanese dinner set and sleep in tatami style..which i hate so much...:) i prefer a proper sleeping bed, but since its in japan so i have to try it. We also try to wear Japanese dress, Yukata.

Oct 16th
Wake up call at 6am and bfast at 7am as usual. Once again we're having complete japanese style breakfast. At 8 am we're going to Mount Fuji, we can only reached the 5th level which was half way to go to the top of mountain. Its very cold, 10 celcius. After that we're going down to Hakone where we can enjoy Lake Ashi Cruise..its only 10 minutes tour by boat.. the wind made it even colder...but the view was amazing...After that we're going to Hamamatsu, we stayed at Hamamatsu Meitetsu Hotel.

Oct 17th
Wake up call at 6am and bfast at 7am as usual, then we're going to Toyohashi by Bullet Train (Shinkansen) which was only 15 minutes to the next station where our bus waiting for us to go to KYOTO. For schedule only 4 hours to reach kyoto, we're 2 hours late to arrive there because of the traffic jam at the highway caused by construction project there. In the late afternoon we arrived at Kyomizu Temple the went to Shinsaibashi shopping area at 8pm...its very late as many stores already closed but we can still enjoy some of the late nite stores there. after that we had dinner then went to hotel. This time was a nice hotel, its Grand Hyatt Osaka Hotel.

Oct 18th
Today was our last day tour before going back to jakarta on the next day. We only had one place to go..thats Universal Studio...i love this place much more than disney resort. As its less crowded and more interesting. Even i can only enjoy one big show, its water world show.. still in japanese though :( my husband was lucky that he can play terminator 3 and spiderman. In the afternoon we're heading back to Tokyo with domestic flight from Itami to haneda. Then we stayed at Narita Garden Hotel.

Oct 19th
Its time to go back home....we had JAL from narita to changi singapore then connecting with Garuda to Jakarta. Then we're home...
I really miss my home....especially my bed...

This tour for me is nice even i can't enjoy 100% because of my condition but i thank God that i'm totally fine, even we had to have long way drive by bus...Its great to have fun time with my husband before our baby is born :)

Thats the short story about our holiday trip to japan....


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