Today is my 30th Birthday.. couldn't believe it, i thought I'm still 25 years old :)
Just very first in the morning, my husband give me a b-day kiss along with a gift..guess what..its a very nice card and Manchester United Home Jersey...I've been wanted this shirt since months ago :)
...Thanks ya babe..
One more sweet give is the birthday card...from hallmark..
Front message :
Happy Birthday my wife, my love

I can't believe ow lucky i am to be married to you
The love we share has grown deeper and gone beyond anything
I could have imagined when we started out
I like the way only you can make me laugh
and the way i still get excited to see you at the end of the day..
Inside message :
Our marriage is the most important thing in my life
and you are the most important person
And so today on your birthday
I want to tell you how grateful i am to be married to you..
and how very much i love you..
today and always i'm loving life with you..
Personal message:
It has been six months since we are married and it has been a wonderful six months for me as your husband. This is your 30th birthday, your second birthday that we share together.
I hope this can be your best birthday, at least my gift is better than last year's
Love you so much babe, muach !
From me, David..
Isn't is so sweet...
Obviously this year's gift is look better than the last year's but to me its the same coz its coming from the same person, the one i love and adore...
Today I'm 30.. and at the same time its the 28th week of my pregnancy... its only 2 and a half months away to see our first beloved son.. I'm enjoying his presence each day in my womb.. his move makes me feel so wonderful and excited to become a mom...
I thank God for my life and everything i've been through.. now i'm so happy to be surrounded by family and friends...i hope my life would be a blessing to others...