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*Crusade Benny Hinn 23-26 March 2006*

It’s a priviledge for me to be part of the ministry team at Benny Hinn crusade in Jakarta 23-26 march 2006.

Last year when I knew that there’ll be crusade of Benny Hinn in jakarta on march, I was so excited..and I promised myself that I have to go there..but I never thought I would be able to ministry also in this big event..This crusade purpose is mainly to pray for the restoration of our beloved country Indonesia, we believe that this will breakthrough after breakthrough in Indonesia.

I thank God for this priviledge.

I just appointed to be in the ministry team in the last 2-3 weeks, our church pastor Daniel R. told us that our church has the priviledge to join the ministry team and he said that they need 10 people from us. and Pastor told us about that on our Saturday prayer meeting (I was so blessed..thank God and fortunately I always come to prayer meeting )..and not many church member know… i was so excited to know it and join the team… and thank God i have the chance to be in the team..

If I can stop a while and think, who am i who can have such a priviledge like this…i took it as a big thing in my life..Its not just because of Benny Hinn, but i’m so hungry to know God more and to see His mighty miracles..

I want to share more about Ps. Benny Hinn, I knew about him from my little brother around 4 years ago, when he asked me to buy Benny Hinn books, and I said to him to better buy other books because I didn’t believe that those are good books.. last year i ended up buy all his books and got blessed. After i read his book, good morning Holy spirit and talked to some church leaders, i decided that i should be baptized in Holy Spirit and i got it on Marilyn Hickey service last year… not just that, i’m also blessed by his other books..i can see that God has used him as His channel to bring people to God through healing service.. his anointing really powerful..i see it in front of my eyes in this 3-days crusade..

I’m blessed to experience such a wonderful presence of the Holy spirit on his crusades.

Thursday, March 23rd 2006

Seminar Day

Once again i’m so blessed that i got the priviledge to be in the ministry team, we are given free diamond-ticket to attend the seminar and sit just next to the stage..while others must buy the ticket. I didn’t even know before that we can get a free ticket, I just knew that we only ministry in the crusade… Thank God !!

The seminar started at 9am and we’re expected to come before 8am. So I have to wake up ealier then went to Donny’s place to go together with others team member.. i still had a chance to play with nicholas for a while...what a great time for starting the day

I was so excited when I woke up.. totally different than other days ..There are several sessions in the 1-Day-Seminar by Rev. Kong Hee from Singapore, Pdt. Jacob N and Henry Hinn (Ps. Benny Hinn’s brother), the message was great.. I will share some of them. Ps Benny Hin couldn’t make it to the seminar because he was so know what? When the attendance knew that Ps Benny Hin couldn’t come, they become very disappointed, its so obvious that most of them forgot that they shouldn’t have to look on human but God alone, I think its better like this, so we’re reminded that its only God that matter..He is the only one who deserve the glory. Then Henry Hinn took the session to share God’s word, the message also great, I was blessed. Before the seminar ended then come the good news that Ps Benny Hinn will give additional seminar on Saturday..that’s great..!!

Crusade day-1

Friday, March 24th 2006

Finally came the day. We are told to be at Mercure hotel ancol at 2am for final briefing. So me and the team arranged to go together with 1 car. We had breakfast together at Muara Karang. Then we went to mercure hotel, on the way there i heard that thousands of people were already in the ancol festival, they’re keep coming since 5am… I couldn’t believe it, how hungry they want to attend the crusade. We arrived at the hotel where all the sick people gathered and registered and then they were sent to the place by special bus, I can see so many desperate eyes longing for healing and restoration.. then I felt like wanna cry, couldn’t stand to see their eyes.

The we had last briefing with other team member from other church, actually we’re appointed to help Benny Hinn team to interpreter from bahasa to english and also help them to prepare and control those who has been healed to go up to the stage to give testimony. At the end we prayed together. Then ready to take a walk to Ancol Festival. As soon as we arrived there’re hundred thousands of people there, amazing…I never thought I could see this happened. Then we passed the sick-area, my many people came with wheelchair, hospital bed, etc.

On the first day, everything was out of control, there’s no coordinate between the security and the other ministry team like counselors, prayer teams and us. We also had to argue with some stubborn attendance to insist to stand in the middle of sick people for the sake of standing close to the stage, they don’t wanna move , they even say hardful word..i couldn’t believe how could they say that.. but that’s fine..its just a matter of personal attitude and we didn’t wanna spend time more arguing with those people.

SickWe had to work hard beyond our job-desc, we even help the security to guard the gate and even help patient to pray..everything was really out of control. And the sad thing that so many people who supposed to ministry as counselors or ushers or prayer teams didn’t quite responsible with their job, its obvious that the reason they join the ministry just for the sake of having the priviledge to get closer to the stage..while we’re working hard they just standing and enjoy the worship.. couldn’t believe that…but I didn’t envy at all.. I love to do what I do and thank God all our team member from Gisi really did our job..

Back to the crusade story, its amazing..even before the worship begin there’re many people got healed already, I saw an old man stand up from his wheelchair and walking, he was so happy and surprised, and so did i.. he just said praise God..praise God…then there are one woman woke up from the bed, healed, she even jump this was so real..yes our God is REAL..that’s the message from all these amazing moments..

Ps Benny Hinn keept telling the crowd that only God who deserve the glory not him because only Jesus who healed all the people.. he likes sing worship songs while sent the word of God..and he is so sensitive about Gods presence..i wish I could have that kind of sense too..must have a strong relationship with God..there’s price to pay..

There’re not much to say about the message from the stage as on the first day I was just focus on my work until finish..

The hard one came after the service..we just found out that we had to take a walk to our car…that’s a very..very..long walk.. I couldn’t even walk properly with my shoes hehehe so I just took off my shoes then just walk with my socks…really helpful….so tired..and still fun as we walked together with our team (ps Daniel, ci grace, donny, leny, erick, shelly, pitoyo, tung2, erica, ci erna, karel, ps mil) and we only had 1 meal that day..our lunch, we had no energy left to stop and eat..we just wanna got home and rest… this is the first day crusade….

Crusade day-2

Saturday, March 25th 2006

Its Saturday ..

My day begin with seminar, and because last nite we came back late and tiring, so they decided not to go so then i asked them to give their ticket to me so I can give to my brothers and cousins hehe.. i havent mentioned before..i thank God my 2 brothers were in jakarta at the same time, so we can have time together, even we cant have much time, because I had to ministry until Sunday, but at least we can come to seminar and pray together, the seminar was great..the presence of God was so strong there, so wonderful, I couldn’t stop crying, i was sitting next to my big brother, at first he was hardly to lift up his hand while worship but then he can lift up his hand.. anyway I’ll later will will write down the sermon, its about The power of God and the Presence of God. It’s a very wonderful message. I believe it will bless your life.

The seminar started at 9am and finished at 2pm, after then i went in a hurry to ancol by shuttle bus, when i arrived there all my friends already there hehe..but i think i was happier than them all coz i can go to seminar in the morning.

Ok now back to work..2nd day everythings much better than the 1st one, the security really did their job, so the sick people didn’t have to mix with other normal people. I forgot to mention that there are 2 sides where the sick people sit, those are in the left and right side of stage. And at the first day we only open the left gate for sick people to enter the stage, and in the 2nd day we’ll open also the right gate, and the worst was the right side still out of control..hard to manage and guess what, our team was in charge for the right side… thank God for this priviledge hehe another hard-working day… the left side was much easier than this side, some of us must jump in to the crowd and open the way for Benny Hinn teams to enter and look for the healing people and bring them in..people getting more out of control, we’ve been helped by security team and also the bodyguard hehe (there are 3 big-black guy, they are soooo big just like shaquile O’neal from NBA, they look tough but they’re very kind).

Once again, there’re many healings before the service started, amazing.. and the crowd was much greater than the first day..there’re thousands of people coming from out of town even from Papua there are 800 people coming by ship. On the first day when I was in the shuttle bus, I sat next to a man from surabaya, he only came for this crusade. And there’re many more coming from other cities in java, and from sumatera and guess what from east nusa tenggara, my homeland..i have many of my relatives coming down from sumba..

On the 2nd day, the message was about God’s compassion, mercy and love and sometimes we couldn’t be able to understand it all..its like we try to understand the ocean by looking on the sea-water inside a glass of water, we focus on the small size instead of the real one. So to understand it we must move out all the obstacles which cover our eyes to see the greatness of His love, compassion and mercy. This is a very basic and powerful message that telling everybody that God loves us, everyone of us, no matter what we did in the past and Jesus died for us and He is praying for us everyday…wow..that’s wonderful, I believe those who listen to the message this day, their life will be different and they will be blessed.

So many people wanted to get healed but they didn’t listen to the message and they only focus on Benny Hinn not to Jesus, that’s why they become so rude and out of control.. I’m so sorry for those who didn’t know the truth..that they only will be healed if they want to be healed in the name of Jesus and if they truly believe in His power alone no in other human, coz this isn’t a supranatural show or something… and to God only be the glory.

The 2nd day ended and just like the 1st day,we had to walk a long the way to our car hehe…today there’re only 8 of us (donny, me, leny, erick, pitoyo, shelly, erica and tung2)..i love to be around them all…there’re really brothers and sisters who really care about each other..and for the girls…we are the power puff girls hehehe….

Crusade day-3

Sunday, march 26th 2006

It’s Sunday…. And my team was in charge for Sunday-ministry, but we can only make it to 4 singers only (me, echie, leny and bagus) along with Donny as a worship leader. We also been blessed by choir from malang, who also ministering at crusade. The whole service was great..the presence of God was so powerful, I really love to have it in our service every Sunday.. and also the message was simple, short and great. This was a great start for the day… then after the service we went to ancol..we’re kind of late because the crusade will started about 3pm, we arrived there by 2pm, it was so hot..people were carrying umbrella, i felf so sorry to see the sick people uncomfortable with the weather..i can see how desperate they’re to get healed..only if they know the truth….

Once again our team will in charge in the right side, today things got much better that the day before. So many healings even before the service started. And we also had a chance to pray for some people near us.. I pray for a 7 year old boy, Daniel with his mom, they came from surabaya, he had sick since he was born, I forgot the sickness name, but it caused him not able to walk and he was so thin, you can only see his bone under his skin, i couldn’t help myself not to cry while praying for him, his mom was so faithful to God, she said she believe that God will heal her son, and she will keep praying for it until he got healed…in my heart i promise that i will pray for him to everyday..

There’re interesting thing happened.. there’re famous indonesian people got healed, there are Melky Goeslaw, an old-time singer, he had lung cancer for about 4 years and had a surgery last year but he still had the wound on his chest and that day he got healed, the pain was totally gone, he can hit his chest without feel any pain, then he sang 2 songs..that’s wonderful then the other one was…. Rinto Harahap…guess what he was my fav singer and composer when I was kid.. he got stroke for years and had to sit on wheelchair, couldn’t walk at all, then that night he can stand up and walk slowly, and when he got on stage, he getting stronger and stronger, he even surprised how he could do that… praise God… then one more there was Om William, former owner of Astra, lost his company and got sick. He must sit on wheelchair after got stroke and also have hearing problem. And God healed him that night.. that’s God only be the glory.. and there’s also a little girl, couldn’t hear ever since she was born and she can hear that night..wonderful. there are many more miracles happened in front of my eyes.. Our God is great God and He can do all things we even think it impossible.. I have no choice but to have faith in Him…

The service ended at 7pm, then we went back ..walking again..the last day..full of joy, we all blessed..the tired body couldn’t compare to the joy our heart felt… these 3-days of ministry were the best day in our life…we then had dinner together then went back home…some of us planned to have massage on the next day hehehe…..

I really believe that many people will be saved though this crusade and I’m so blessed and I have a desire in my heart that I have to do more in the ministry because there’re lots of people outhere need to hear the good news about Jesus.. if its not from us, who else.. I don’t wanna take it for granted, I believe for this priviledge to ministry on this crusade God wants to remind me about my calling as a believer..i think I can start from a small and simple things..and you too can do it..

Hopefully this simple story can bless you and open the eyes of your heart to understand more of Jesus’s heart..


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